Welcome back to the inner workings of a mind full of sawdust and a couple of other things left by the elephants. Here you will find this clown's view of people, politics, religion and other no-no topics all seen with an eye toward the humerous. I hope you enjoy yourself, but be careful for laughter has been known to make a clown's day. Willy Nilly

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Snow Days"

I fondly remember snow days, those wonderful spontaneous school free days where my entire world was blanked by inches and inches of snow. My backyard became a freshly shaken etch-a- sketch ready for my creative adventures. My brother and I would swallow our breakfast whole, throw on several layers of clothes, hats and gloves, falling all over one anther to be the first one out the door. This of course was all supervised by my mother who was convinced that if we survived the days' events it would only be because she insisted we wear our thermal underewear. "Even Superman wears thermal underwear", she would say. (yes mom, I'm sure it's his thermal underwear that deflects all the bullets) My brother and I would play outside building snow forts complete with tunnels and escape hatches. We would engage the neighborhood cats in commando snowball raids. (I do apologize to all those who are cat challenged and have yet to comprehend the universes' adversion to cats) We would stay outside all day even eating our lunches and drinking hot chocolate while sitting in our snow forts. By the end of the day our clothes were frozen stiff. Our theremal underwear felt like cardboard, our jeans wouldn't bend and we couldn't make snowballs anymore because the fingers of our gloves wouldn't fold around the snow. Exhausted and frozen we would call it a day and head back inside. Steam would actually rise off our bodies as mom began to chip off our clothing. Wouldn't it be wonderful to enter into each day as if it were a snow day; to enjoy every moment, to be exhausted with joy?

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